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What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) helps us to understand how our thoughts, beliefs can result in us feeling a certain way, and act and respond in different situations. The idea is to realise unhelpful patterns or cycles that we may get caught up in from time to time and try to change them. By approaching situations differently we may transform our feelings during these times, and our self-perception.

My approach to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

I take a Humanistic approach to CBT, which means exploring what it means to be a human being with rights, and to be treated in a dignified way.

Working Together with CBT

How you and I will work together in CBT Therapy:

  • We will work together to help you to reflect upon your ‘whole self’. This will involve an exploration of your earlier experiences, cultural and family background, and the impact these may have on what is happening to you now.
  • We will then explore how unhelpful patterns in thoughts, emotions and behaviours lead to on-going distress, depression or worry.
  • I will encourage you to set goals that will help you move towards short-term and long term change.
  • We will engage in evidence-based CBT interventions that will enable you to meet your goals, and provide hope.
  • We will then end the therapy through devising a life-time plan, of how you will maintain the changes and progress that you have made.
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